Christopher had his coarctation repaired this morning. He went to the operating room at 8:00. I think I speak for both of us when I say that watching him go was the hardest thing we have ever done. We gave him snuggles and kisses as he went and then we spent the morning in a private waiting room. One of the operating room nurses came out regularly to update us on how things were going.
By late morning, the surgery was done. The entire team (two surgeons, a nurse and a social worker) came to see us after the surgery. The surgeon (who is also a Hindu priest - neat) told us that the whole thing went very smoothly. The coarctation was longer than they originally suspected but they were able to remove it and put the ends back together easily. The surgical technique is quite interesting - I will try to find a link online and post it.
After we met with the team, we got to go to the ICU to see Christopher. He was in a full-sized bed, with the breathing tube still in, and covered in a plastic sheet which helps to warm him. (They cool them down to about 33 degrees C in the OR to help protect the brain from the effects of reduced blood flow.) It was scary to see him with so many tubes coming out of him, but it was also wonderful to see him looking so pink and healthy. I don't think either of us had realized that he was pale prior to the surgery until we saw how lovely and pink he looked after the surgery.
As of now (3 p.m.), the breathing tube is still in but he is starting to breathe on his own a little. He is even being a bit defiant and opened his eyes when he heard Mommy and Daddy - they had to give him some extra sedation then because he got excited and his blood pressure jumped. It's common for babies to have issues with blood pressure right after this surgery because their heart has been working against a blockage and is accustomed to working extra hard - so it takes some time to settle down. He is on some blood pressure medication right now but we're hoping it won't be for long. Once the blood pressure settles, they will try to take the breathing tube out and let him wake up a bit more.
Bradley and I are both starting to come down a little from the incredible stress high of the past day and a half since we found out about his coarctation. We're exhausted but incredibly grateful for all of the messages, calls, and prayers that we've received. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by such love.
Our plan is to continue posting updates here on a regular basis, at least daily. Please check back regularly and feel free to leave comments - we will be reading them!
OK - everybody - breathe - now don't cry - just keep breathing.
We are all so very lucky.
Also, keep praying.
Posted by: Gailnew2003 | 06/21/2011 at 04:45 PM