Just a little update from yesterday: Christopher's usual cardiologist called this afternoon. He was unexpectedly away while we were at CHEO, so we didn't get to see him then. However, he kindly called this afternoon to review the results of the echo they did yesterday before sending us home.
The narrowed spot is significantly improved. He said it still "looks a little small," but he thinks it will keep growing with Christopher so that the slightly narrowing will remain manageable. He said a number of times that he is "really pleased" with the results of the cath and dilatation. It's really a judgement call how far to push it in terms of continuing to try to stretch a narrowed spot, and he seemed to think that the doctor who did the procedure made exactly the right decision. As he repeatedly said, "the enemy of good is perfect," and thankfully the procedure was stopped at the point where a good benefit was obtained without doing any harm.
He was so pleased about all of this, it was touching. He kept mentioning how happy he was that things went so smoothly. I hung up the phone feeling joyful - because his enthusiasm was contagious, and knowing how happy he is with the result is far more reassuring to me than any measurement or test result could ever be! He is the expert, he knows Christopher well, and he's been with us every step of this journey, from the very first night in the emergency department. If he truly feels that things are looking good, that makes me feel great!
I am so happy to hear the great news...haven't been by for awhile,but I often think of Christopher and his amazing family!
Continued prayers for all of you
Posted by: Dee Light | 12/10/2011 at 09:16 PM
Wow, I am so happy to hear Christopher is doing so well, we were thinking of you recently and wondering how all was going. I too had struggles with thinking about the worst time for Noah, he is also great now, not a huge boy, but about 50th percentile, and smart and active. We are all very happy for you Coates family, from the NEsbitts, your roommmates at CHEO.
Posted by: Amynesbitt1 | 08/16/2012 at 03:41 PM